Saturday, September 04, 2004

All that I can't leave behind....

I can't wait for the end of September to come around. Why? You ask why? Because that's when the new single from U2 will be out. Yea! I've heard snippets, titled Vertigo, of it already (floating on the internet), and it sounds pretty damn good. Eek! Can't wait. I've been obsessed with U2 for thirteen years. Let's go back in time, shall we?

It was the late eighties, I'm following my older siblings around, listening in on their conversations, and in on their great music. Yes, that was my first taste of my soon to be favorite group. Then in the early nineties, I remembered U2 and bought Achtung Baby. That tape inspired and flamed my fanaticism with the group. I collected articles, subscribed to Rolling Stone, watched MTV and VH1 constantly, and bought all the tapes (later cd's) I could afford on my measley allowance. It was wonderful! I've only been to the Elevation tour though....won't be the last time I see them in concert. They kicked major ass, best concert I've ever been to, and I've been to quite a few.

Now.....Well, their still my number one group, and I have mad love for Bono, but my obsession has waned some. I still listen to their music regularly, am a part of U2 message boards, will definitely buy their new cd (as yet untitled) the first day it comes out, and will see them in concert again, but I won't stalk Bono, I won't buy every magazine that has an article on them, and I will not be buying Bono's cigarette butts on Ebay. LOL (Dumb Britney fans - that's just disgusting.)

**Listening: U2 - The Joshua Tree cd...Of course!
**Reading: Anthony Doerr's _About Grace_


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