Voluntary Adaptation...
Ever notice that the more often you hang out with a person the more you're likely to pick up their mannerisms, expressions, or dorky sayings? Yeah, I find that happening to me lately. I've been trying to overcome this though. A lot of my day is spent at work, talking and laughing with my desk partner, Krista. She's an excellent person, supersmart, superfunny, and superentertaining, but she has this deal where after every topic we talk about, she ends with, "Are you kidding me?" I'm tempted to count how many times she says that particular phrase in a day, but I'm afraid it may reach the higher hundreds. I'm even more afraid of the fact that I've adopted the saying. Are you kidding me? No, I'm not.
Reminds me of another friend who had this annoying habit of blinking her eyes in sets of three. At first it was irritating, and then I caught myself doing it. So I had to consciously focus on my facial expressions so I wouldn't mirror hers. It was a lot harder to do when we would hang out at the bars and get sloshed, but she never said anything about it.
As if I don't have enough time already, I'm thinking about doing some volunteer work. I mentioned that today and have a friend and a coworker vying for my spare time. It's either be a big sister or join and help the Literacy program. I'm leaning more towards the Literacy program (I'm always ragging on people to read more), but being a big sister doesn't sound too bad. I'm not much for kids, but for some strange reason they like me. I'll definitely need more details.
And on an end note, I finally decorated my desk at work. Fun photos, a huge picture of Trent looking sexy and this as my desktop. Because the more amusement at work the better.

Special thanks to my pal, Rubes for the pic! WIN!
Reminds me of another friend who had this annoying habit of blinking her eyes in sets of three. At first it was irritating, and then I caught myself doing it. So I had to consciously focus on my facial expressions so I wouldn't mirror hers. It was a lot harder to do when we would hang out at the bars and get sloshed, but she never said anything about it.
As if I don't have enough time already, I'm thinking about doing some volunteer work. I mentioned that today and have a friend and a coworker vying for my spare time. It's either be a big sister or join and help the Literacy program. I'm leaning more towards the Literacy program (I'm always ragging on people to read more), but being a big sister doesn't sound too bad. I'm not much for kids, but for some strange reason they like me. I'll definitely need more details.
And on an end note, I finally decorated my desk at work. Fun photos, a huge picture of Trent looking sexy and this as my desktop. Because the more amusement at work the better.

Special thanks to my pal, Rubes for the pic! WIN!
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