Monday, January 10, 2005
Some days are better than others.....
Today has been a pretty typical Monday. I had the hardest time waking up this morning, and had to convince myself repeatedly that I had to work today. I did end up working.. I need as much bang for my buck as possible. Ugh, I hate bills. Damn, I think my electric bill was due today. Oh well, I'm still typing right? Work was quite the hellhole. I was at the appointment desk today.....phones all day long. My ears are still ringing. Eighteen phone lines and all of them were lit up all frickin' day. Know what that means? Yeah, I got my butt chewed off, oh and part of my leg too. Honestly, people need to ween themselves off the pain pills. I bet 80% of the calls I received were complaints that the patients' needed their narcotics. Morons......
Of course my bad day doesn't even compare to what so many people are going through, especially at this time. I read on Comcast news that two people have died here in California because of the bad weather. Mud slides, flooding, storms. Personally, I love the rain and stormy season, but there's so much damage going on. And then the tsunami. I feel so horrible for the victims. What a wretched disaster to go through. Geez, my heart just goes out to all those who are suffering. I can't help feeling so foolish about bitching and complaining about a bad day when it can't even compare to what's going on in the world. Earth is still vibrating from the underwater earthquakes. Don't believe me? www. When will things settle down a little?
Listening *** U2- Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car
Of course my bad day doesn't even compare to what so many people are going through, especially at this time. I read on Comcast news that two people have died here in California because of the bad weather. Mud slides, flooding, storms. Personally, I love the rain and stormy season, but there's so much damage going on. And then the tsunami. I feel so horrible for the victims. What a wretched disaster to go through. Geez, my heart just goes out to all those who are suffering. I can't help feeling so foolish about bitching and complaining about a bad day when it can't even compare to what's going on in the world. Earth is still vibrating from the underwater earthquakes. Don't believe me? www. When will things settle down a little?
Listening *** U2- Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Oooh! Which U2 song are you?

You're "Electrical Storm." You tend to
stay in the background a bit. Elegant
understatement is your forte, and though you
get the job done you don't have to have mucho
props to do it. Still, sometimes you actually
deserve those props - don't be afraid to go
find 'em!
Which U2 Song Are You?
brought to you by
Just keep swimming...
I have nothing against anybody at work, I get along fantabulously with everyone, but there is trouble brewing. I hate being caught in the middle of it. You can just tell when people aren't getting along. It's tense, snide comments are made, I'm guessing it's because we're working short staffed this week. Hopefully, the two I'm worried about will get over it and just do their job.
One thing I do need to mention, and this is one of my pet peeves.....Why in the world do coworkers feel the need to try to get personal and in depth in my life? Ok, here's what happened. Maria and I were talking - she's pregnant. Good for her. I myself don't want kids, and I've never felt the need to me a mom. She asked why I don't have kids. Weird question. I told her the truth. I don't want them. I don't hate children, but I don't want any of my own. I should have fibbed and told her I couldn't have any. Maybe it would have stopped the questioning further. Then Maria has the audacity to tell a couple of other coworkers as if that's the big news headline. "Oh My Gosh! Mary doesn't want kids!" It ended up being a huge group discussion and they decide it's because I've never been in love. What???? I didn't even argue with that. It would only open up a whole new can of worms. Let them think what they want. As long as I know the truth, that's all that matters. It is irritating though. Especially when Maria is going to be giving birth next month, but hasn't told her parents because she's scared about what they'll say. Huh? It's going to be hard to explain that bundle of joy to them. Just keep swimming....just keep swimming. I'm not at all what they want me to be, but if it's crap they want, no worries......I'll just keep spoonfeeding it to them.
One thing I do need to mention, and this is one of my pet peeves.....Why in the world do coworkers feel the need to try to get personal and in depth in my life? Ok, here's what happened. Maria and I were talking - she's pregnant. Good for her. I myself don't want kids, and I've never felt the need to me a mom. She asked why I don't have kids. Weird question. I told her the truth. I don't want them. I don't hate children, but I don't want any of my own. I should have fibbed and told her I couldn't have any. Maybe it would have stopped the questioning further. Then Maria has the audacity to tell a couple of other coworkers as if that's the big news headline. "Oh My Gosh! Mary doesn't want kids!" It ended up being a huge group discussion and they decide it's because I've never been in love. What???? I didn't even argue with that. It would only open up a whole new can of worms. Let them think what they want. As long as I know the truth, that's all that matters. It is irritating though. Especially when Maria is going to be giving birth next month, but hasn't told her parents because she's scared about what they'll say. Huh? It's going to be hard to explain that bundle of joy to them. Just keep swimming....just keep swimming. I'm not at all what they want me to be, but if it's crap they want, no worries......I'll just keep spoonfeeding it to them.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Packing the face cream...
So Gidge - my sis, and I went to our small group Bible study meeting. It was canceled since the church was locked, but we talked for a few minutes in the parking lot. For the past month it's just been me, Gidge, and Pat the Leader of the group (great guy). Anyway, we finally have someone new - Edwin. As we're introducing ourselves, Edwin asks which one of us is older. Huh? I'm 26 and Gidge is 40! I know I don't look that old....especially when at work everyone thought I was fresh out of high school. Oh man, I'm feeling the years now. I almost crapped my pants when I saw that Edwin was serious. Then again, that would have made me blast through to the golden years or whatever. Senility here I come. On the other hand, Gidge is still gloating.
Listening: Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B. album...I can't help it, it's really catchy.
Reading: Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Listening: Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B. album...I can't help it, it's really catchy.
Reading: Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Guess who just called me?
And ruined my pedicure? Kaitlin! Oh how she bugs! She's trying to convince me to go to Reno with her, her husband, and his best friend who's going through a divorce. Yeah, she's constantly trying to hook me up with these fugly guys. What the hell? I'm so mad....I kept telling her no and I couldn't believe how snappy I sounded, but then she ends the conversation with, "Damn girl, you have the worst luck." First of all, she doesn't know me that well to make that assumption, and second? Get it through your head that I don't want to hang out with you! Ever! Again! Ok.....I needed to vent. Grrr. I guess my attack will go something like this....Make her feel guilty about her seeing so much of her ex while she's still married and who hubby knows nothing about.....And tell her that I'm fully devoting myself to church. She may get the hint. I'll turn the spotlight on her faults. Heck, that's the way she operates and tries to intimidate.
WOOHOO! Happy New Year!
Yay for 2005. Ok, ok....I admit, one of my resolutions is to keep up this blog. I figure, hey, if I already have one I might as well update. And why would I want to disappoint the two people who actually take time from their busy day to read this? As for 2004, I'm soooo glad it's over. Ugh, the year of an unemployment bout, financial woes, and even the frickin' chicken pox. Yeah, adult chicken pox is the worst. Thank God my scars are fading. My niece even counted the ones on my face - 60. Unbelievable. Hooray for 2005!
I actually spent New Year's Eve at home - where I wanted to be. It was me, my parents, Gidge, and my niece, Tori. We toasted with sparkling cider and ate twelve grapes. Ah, the wonders of superstition. Eating those twelve grapes will bring me good luck, or so my mom says. LOL One of my friends, Kaitlin, wanted me to hang out with her and this guy she's trying to set me up with, Allen. He's 41. Ew. She also was in a relationship with him. Double Eww. And she's still hanging out with him even though she's married. Triple Ewww. Kaitlin and I used to hang out six years ago when we worked at Walmart. We used to party....A lot. Now, we are both working at the same place - different department, same location, but I really don't want to hang out with her, and she keeps bugging me! She gets on my last nerve. She's unbelievably brash, crude, and just plain rude. Even her appearance is scary, as one of my co-workers said, "She looks like a sumo-wrestler." Yeah, that's her all right. It's sad too, because ever since September when I started working there, I've stayed hidden from her. It's only been three or maybe even four weeks since she realized I'm there. Geez, how am I going to cut this cord? Besides, Allen The Weirdo has expressed an interest in me. EWWW! He told her I look like Lacy Peterson. SAY WHAT? Freakin' Freak.
Ok, back to my weekend - Tori and I watched Napolean Dynamite and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Loves it! I also got into this cleaning kick and organized all my stuff. As for today, I just loafed around, spent a lot of my time journaling (new journal, new year!) and involved in a devotional. I haven't been to church in a very long time, so I'm feeling a little guilty about that. : / Right now, I've decided to be a girly-girl and paint my toenails pastel pink. LOL
Listening: Nothing right now.
Reading: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez I love this book. <3
I actually spent New Year's Eve at home - where I wanted to be. It was me, my parents, Gidge, and my niece, Tori. We toasted with sparkling cider and ate twelve grapes. Ah, the wonders of superstition. Eating those twelve grapes will bring me good luck, or so my mom says. LOL One of my friends, Kaitlin, wanted me to hang out with her and this guy she's trying to set me up with, Allen. He's 41. Ew. She also was in a relationship with him. Double Eww. And she's still hanging out with him even though she's married. Triple Ewww. Kaitlin and I used to hang out six years ago when we worked at Walmart. We used to party....A lot. Now, we are both working at the same place - different department, same location, but I really don't want to hang out with her, and she keeps bugging me! She gets on my last nerve. She's unbelievably brash, crude, and just plain rude. Even her appearance is scary, as one of my co-workers said, "She looks like a sumo-wrestler." Yeah, that's her all right. It's sad too, because ever since September when I started working there, I've stayed hidden from her. It's only been three or maybe even four weeks since she realized I'm there. Geez, how am I going to cut this cord? Besides, Allen The Weirdo has expressed an interest in me. EWWW! He told her I look like Lacy Peterson. SAY WHAT? Freakin' Freak.
Ok, back to my weekend - Tori and I watched Napolean Dynamite and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Loves it! I also got into this cleaning kick and organized all my stuff. As for today, I just loafed around, spent a lot of my time journaling (new journal, new year!) and involved in a devotional. I haven't been to church in a very long time, so I'm feeling a little guilty about that. : / Right now, I've decided to be a girly-girl and paint my toenails pastel pink. LOL
Listening: Nothing right now.
Reading: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez I love this book. <3