Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Not me! C'mon Wolfie, I'll frickin' blow YOUR house down! Ha! Yeah, I just had some ice cream and thinking about my Halloween costume. I'm going to be Little Red Riding Hood this year. It was either that or Gloria Trevi, and if you don't watch any Spanish gossip shows, then you won't know who the heck that is. I can't wait for Halloween. It's my favorite holiday, and I already have tons of Halloween decorations. I'm planning on doing all that this weekend.

Work was really hectic today. We were so short staffed, and it was unbelievably busy. The great thing? It was payday! The bad thing? Well, I haven't even cashed that check, and it's all going to bills and accounted for. : / Cie la vie. Last week, one of my co-workers found out that I have a tattoo. She thought it was Barney! What?!?! It's Charmander from Pokemon! How can she confuse those two? The whole incident was pretty funny, and I had a good laugh. I'm allowed to bring in a cd player tomorrow, and I'm planning on burning my favorite U2 songs on a cd so I can listen to some good music and not hear the crap the county is making us listen to. Yuck. Valley radio sucks.

Listening: U2 Vertigo (Of course!)
Reading: A biography on Jackson Pollock I'm really trying to get more into biographies.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

All that I can't leave behind....

I can't wait for the end of September to come around. Why? You ask why? Because that's when the new single from U2 will be out. Yea! I've heard snippets, titled Vertigo, of it already (floating on the internet), and it sounds pretty damn good. Eek! Can't wait. I've been obsessed with U2 for thirteen years. Let's go back in time, shall we?

It was the late eighties, I'm following my older siblings around, listening in on their conversations, and in on their great music. Yes, that was my first taste of my soon to be favorite group. Then in the early nineties, I remembered U2 and bought Achtung Baby. That tape inspired and flamed my fanaticism with the group. I collected articles, subscribed to Rolling Stone, watched MTV and VH1 constantly, and bought all the tapes (later cd's) I could afford on my measley allowance. It was wonderful! I've only been to the Elevation tour though....won't be the last time I see them in concert. They kicked major ass, best concert I've ever been to, and I've been to quite a few.

Now.....Well, their still my number one group, and I have mad love for Bono, but my obsession has waned some. I still listen to their music regularly, am a part of U2 message boards, will definitely buy their new cd (as yet untitled) the first day it comes out, and will see them in concert again, but I won't stalk Bono, I won't buy every magazine that has an article on them, and I will not be buying Bono's cigarette butts on Ebay. LOL (Dumb Britney fans - that's just disgusting.)

**Listening: U2 - The Joshua Tree cd...Of course!
**Reading: Anthony Doerr's _About Grace_

Friday, September 03, 2004

Altered States.....

So I'm trying to upload an image, but it ain't happening. Hmm, I'll have to figure this out later.

It seems my mendacious sister-in-law is up to her old tricks. She ran into my sister's best friend and tried to talk smack about my sister. What Beelzebubina didn't expect was to get a lecture, and that's just what she got. LOL I would have paid to see that. What I don't understand about Beel is that she claims to have her bachelor's degree (after ten years!), but decides that she needs to take basic math classes at a junior college, because she isn't ready to work. Is she ever going to be ready? What gives? She's been mooching of my brother and then says that she is supporting herself and getting herself through school solo. Um, hello? Who's paying all the bills? Who bought the house you're living in? She's been fired from every temp job she's worked at. The worst part is: She thinks she's the hottest, most intelligent being on Earth. I'm shaking my head. She's so far past hopeless, I can't even feel sorry for her. I cannot stand her.....Whew, I needed to vent.

On a lighter note, I cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned some more! Yea! Isn't it wonderful when you rediscover cd's you forgot you had? I've been listening to Altered States, mixed by Andy Hughes all day. It's great! I'm not listening to that now, though. I'm listening to Yahoo Launchcast radio. The customized station is the only radio I listen to now. I don't even watch much MTV anymore. The same old videos.....It's become so, what's the word....Boring. Even the Video Music Awards sucked. And why did they bring in the Kerry and Bush chicks? Most of the people looked drunk or high at the VMA's. I'm sure as hell they didn't want politics ruining their buzz. Bad idea, MTV. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Ugh, and HoobaSTUNK! I liked (notice the past tense) the song, but the lead singer just ruined the whole thing for me.

**Listening: Moby - "Porcelain"
**Reading: West of Then (STILL - I swear I'm going to finish this book tonight, damnit!)

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I can't sleep....

I've read in other blogs about a mix cd swap. It gave me an idea.....Anyone interested in trading a mix cd with me? Leave me a comment or just e-mail me.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Ice is nutritious....

I finally finished cleaning out my desk. I thought it would be a pain, but it was actually kind of calming and relaxing, so I decided I'm going to clean out my nightstand and my hutch. Shouldn't take me too long.

I found out I'm anemic. I got a call from the place where I had my physical in August. No wonder I chew so much ice. One of the effects of anemia can be Pica. Pica is a when you have unusual cravings....some people crave dirt, tar, licking a sidewalk. Really, I don't think ice is all that bad. Is it strange that I love the smell of the freezer? LOL At least I'm not out there licking the freakin' sidewalk and shoving clumps of dirt in my mouth. Anyway, it looks like I'll have to take iron pills now. I already tried one, wasn't so bad.

Today I wanted to be alone, and today was the day everybody bugged me. Hopefully I'll get some time to myself tomorrow. I can't help it if I have lonerish symptoms. I have to pay bills tomorrow and go to Wal*Mart so that should be interesting. I always run into people there, and then it's the fake talk and, "Oh we should get together, we need to hang out!" No, there is a reason I don't call you and hang out with you already. I'm not much of a partier anymore, but acquaintances don't seem to realize that. Eh, oh well....looks like I'll have to practice my skills in aisle hiding.

Pale September...

I cannot wait until it is officially Autumn. I love the fall, the colors of the leaves, the smell at night, it's my favorite time of the year. I wish it would rain.

I don't have to work until next Tuesday, so I've been loafing around a lot. I don't think I'll sleep tonight. I plan on catching up on some reading, cleaning up my room, and cleaning out my desk. I have to get my finances in order while I have the chance. Ok, not really in order because they are, I just want to be more organized. Damn, I can blame HGTV for that.

I received another advanced reader copy book. _About Grace_ by Anthony Doerr. I haven't started it yet because I'm still trying to finish the other one they sent me a week or two ago. I can't help it, it's a little boring, so I've just been trudging on.

Last Saturday I hung out in Fresno with my sister and niece. We stayed in Borders for hours. I prefer the Borders here, but it's nice not running into someone you can't stand, and Borders is my favorite store EVER. So many things I want....I wish they'd have a game or show like Supermarket Sweep for Borders. I would so win. LOL Tori and I lost my sister (Muscles). Actually, she ditched us for a guy, so we left her and went to eat. We met up with her later, but I was pretty po'd. Eh, I'm not the type to stay angry, I got over it. ; )

**Listening: Fiona Apple, "Pale September"
**Reading: _West of End_ the memoir I can't seem to finish. : /