Thursday, April 20, 2006

Silly Rabbit.....

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Yes, I realize I am late in saying this, but the sentiment is still the same.
I myself wasn't visited by the Trent Bunny, but that's okay. I'll just have to find my colored eggs somewhere else. Hee. Actually, this is the first year I didn't color eggs, I did however make deviled eggs.

And I'm hit with Spring Fever. Vacation is only two more days away, and trust me, it's the slowest two days of my life. : /

Today we had our monthly staff meeting, and throughout the whole morning I felt like I had been injected by some mystical sleep serum. My eyelids didn't want to stay open, and I had to keep pinching the hell out of my hand to keep myself semi-alert. I pictured words coming out of the guest speaker's mouth - filling the entire room. I kept imagining her words being pasted onto the wall, the print getting smaller and smaller. I had to stop thinking about it - I felt suffocated. She would not shut up. Even now her monotone voice is stuck in my head.

The meeting itself was pretty useless - basically about teens and keeping their visits confidential. Not to mention that if they are having sex with someone older than 18, we aren't necessarily to report it. It's up to the facility's discretion. WTF? Um, statutory rape? And we don't have to "necessarily" report it? I'm all about confidentiality, but there are a lot of stupid people out there. What if there's a case where abuse might be an issue? Should we keep quiet because of patient rights and confidentiality? A rape case where the patient is too humiliated to speak up? Yes, I understand privacy, but where do we draw the line? Should we really keep mum when people are hurting and/or confused and laws are broken just because we don't want to step on someone's toes? What's the limit? How much is too far?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Protect this, Sucka....

Ever notice how security guards are the freakiest people? At work we've had two new ones run through last week, and geez, where do they find these guys? Really, they aren't intimidating anyone. How can you feel protected by some old pudgy guy or a scrawny dude who looks like he's 12? The only people they're scaring are us female employees. They wait until the waiting room is completely empty and slink over to where we're at. They ask what time we're going home before trying to delve into "personal questions" like what we're doing later. And their attempts at flirting are met with uncomfortable silence. I'm more worried about protecting myself from these guys then the actual patients. Who hires these weirdos?

Enough of that, I made Trentato tonight. : ) Heehee.
Listening: Franz Ferdinand - Michael

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

P for Prodigal.....

Ok, after much thought I've decided to resurrect this blog. Clap, damnit. Heh. I still have my myspace but doubt I'll do much blogging on there. Two separate worlds really.

So I went to see V for Vendetta with my dad. I wasn't expecting too much, but I was totally drawn in. Not my favorite movie, but it does make me want to buy the graphic novel. The same with Sin City. I really need to catch up on my comic reading.

P for Procrastination. I've been letting myself go overboard on procrastination lately. Reading, spring cleaning. Ugh. I still haven't taken the Christmas lights down. *nervous laugh* I know I'm guilty. Even back in high school my chemistry teacher (who amazingly enough bears an astonishing resemblance to Jerry Garcia) would tease me about it. He always said the same joke though, like I'd forget. Fuck, I know I procrastinate, but I don't have amnesia. The joke - "When are you going to start your Procrastination Club? Just haven't gotten around to it? [insert snort] I'm easy going though. I laughed along, and hey I still got my A in that class.

I figure I'll just write myself a list of three daily have to's. Tonight - write letters, do laundry, and practice a little guitar.

Listening to: The Raveonettes - Pretty in Black
Reading: The Princess Bride