Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Less than two weeks...

For my road trip. Thanks to www.roadsideamerica.com for all the offbeat diversions I'll be sure to make. No, I will not be taking my car, and no I don't usually drive with an empty tank. Be happy to know that my gas tank is full and my windshield not so spotty. What can I say? It was raining when I took this picture.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

It puts the lotion in the basket...

My newest mission of late is to take care of my hands. I see a difference now that I'm getting older. They're a lot drier, and this cold foggy weather isn't helping. I like the fact that a lot of people say I don't look my age, and now that I'm in my 30's, I don't want my hands giving me away. It's also the most prominent memory of my grandma that I have, she had the softest hands. Her skin was unbelievable. Anyway, my sister gave me a kit from Mary Kay called Satin Hands. Let me just say that if you want softer hands, buy this. I felt a notable difference immediately. Yes, the vanity is oozing, but hey, what's wrong with not wanting chapped man hands? Take care of what you have.

Thirteen more days until my trip. I'm so excited, I can't think about anything else.

Listening: Arcade Fire - "Keep the Car Running"
Reading: Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner