Catheter blues....
Last night I ended up going to the ER because of lower abdominal pain. I really do have a high tolerance for pain, and I hate going to see any doctor with a passion, but with the pain I experienced last night, it was inevitable. I caught up with old coworkers and was seen by my friend, so it wasn't too bad. I did have to get a catheter though, and that sucked. Ugh, my first experience with one, and I hope to God it's the last one. It wasn't painful, just embarrassing. My friend did end up ordering an IV for me and some awesome pain medication. I can see why people get so addicted to the stuff. After about five to ten seconds of them injecting the miracle drug into the IV I felt flushed, warm, and awesome. Needless to say when I got home I slept peacefully and soundly. I haven't had that good of a sleep in a long time. I'm still having the abdominal pain, but it isn't as severe. I'm also pretty darn anemic. My blood count is at 6. I made a follow up appointment with a regular doctor. My friend wanted me to go back for a recheck, but my copay for ER is $100, and I can't afford any more visits. We'll see what happens.
Sleep --- I couple of nights ago I had this dream that I was at a NIN concert and had the best seat, right in front of Trent. I realized that he fell off the wagon and was drunk and high. He also had a weird rash on his face. I felt so bad for him and disappointed. Kinda strange to think I dreamt of NIN since I've been weening myself of of them and all things Trent. I don't want to be some crazy obsessive fan, I just love Trent and his music.
Listening ****Tom Petty - Don't Fade on Me
Sleep --- I couple of nights ago I had this dream that I was at a NIN concert and had the best seat, right in front of Trent. I realized that he fell off the wagon and was drunk and high. He also had a weird rash on his face. I felt so bad for him and disappointed. Kinda strange to think I dreamt of NIN since I've been weening myself of of them and all things Trent. I don't want to be some crazy obsessive fan, I just love Trent and his music.
Listening ****Tom Petty - Don't Fade on Me