Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been spending quite a bit of time at Kaweah Oaks Preserve lately. Thinking about doing some volunteer work there too either keeping the site litter free or talking to people about the environment. It's interesting to think that 100 years ago, this is what was here, not a Starbucks every other block, not contruction crews blocking streets, not new homes that aren't selling. Just a small kind of oasis in the Central Valley. A delta.

Anyway, I promised to post some pics and here they are.

Yes, I do realize I've been taking a lot of nature pictures, but I'm shifting the focus on my artwork to landscapes.

Had dinner with Lu and her family last night. How can one refuse good company with good food? We watched this show called Moment of Truth. What a trainwreck. Why reveal intimate parts of your life and feelings and risk hurting those close around you to win money? Whose idea was this show? I doubt I'll be tuning in again. Yes, honesty is the best policy, but let's not ruin relationships and disguise it as the virtuous thing to do for something as silly as money. I for one would never appear on the show. I'm not ashamed of my life nor do I have any regrets, but I have had my stupid moments. Why broadcast them to friends and family? One may not always act in the best interest, but it's how you react that makes the difference.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Three Day Weekends Rule!

I wish I didn't have to go back to work tomorrow. This weekend has been just what I needed. Cool weather, rain, time to think and be alone, time to hang out with friends and family. I don't want it to end. Damn.

I've decided I'm not giving Jake away. My neighbor is just going to have to suffer and deal with it. She can suck it for all I care. I can't abandon my dog, and after some advice of coworkers, I tuned into that show, The Dog Whisperer. Lo and behold, the show featured a dog named Jake who had a barking problem. What a sign, huh? I've been vigilant though, trying to keep Jake occupied and active. Giving him the stern treatment when I suspect he's going to act up. It's been helping, he's not barking as much. Mind you, he still does, but the situation is improving for now.
Come on, how can you not feel for Jake? Look at that adorable face!

Be proud of me, I cleaned my patio! Yay! All this getting strict with Jake made me organize my backyard. The patio is pretty and clean. Plus it rained, so of course I had the door wide open, just the screen door closed. Listening to the rain is very therapeutic. And that woodsy rain smell, it's the best. Supposedly there is more rain to come next weekend. We'll see, but for now I'm enjoying the cloudy weather.

I did end up spending the day hanging out with my sister and niece in Fresno shopping. I gave myself a limit, but Barnes and Noble had a great sale. I splurged. I adore B&N. As for my purchases - three books, Robert Hellenga's Philosophy Made Simple, Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym, and Marcel Proust's Swann's Way. And I found Jim Henson's The Storyteller Definitive Collection DVD! Anyone who truly knows me knows that I am a fanatic when it comes to Jim Henson. Nothing screams childhood more to me than my 80's hero. There were more purchases, but I'll spare you the details.

Lu's pleasure party was superfun. She never fails to have my in hysterics, especially when she introduced the party to her new guy on the side, Duracell. Hahahah! Turns out I'm going to host a party. First Pampered Chef, now Pure Romance, what's next?

I've yet to blog about my excursion for today, but I have laundry waiting for me. I'll post pictures and details tomorrow.

Thursday, May 22, 2008



You know how I complain about my dog? Yeah, well my neighbors have been too. And just a couple of nights ago I was told I'm going to have to do something about it. So I'm trying to find Jake a good home. I have one interested person so far, a coworker's friend, who says he's looking for a big, rambunctious dog. I can't help but be upset about this. Jake's been my dog since 2001. We'll just have to see what this weekend has planned for Jake.

And Gidge won't even be here. She's off to visit Eric in San Fran again. I miss San Fran. I need to plan a trip soon. As for my holiday weekend, I'm staying local. Going to hit up some bookstores in Fresno, take some pictures and maybe watercolor some landscapes, Lucy's having a pleasure party Saturday evening, and I'm hitting the Flea Market tomorrow night. Nothing like starting off the weekend by wandering the Swap Meet.

I've been craving ice like nobody's business. My hemoglobin must be low. I hate taking iron pills. Maybe I'm PMSing. I have been quite sentimental lately, it's not like me. Waa, waa, waa. I'm done complaining. I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday. The weekend can't come soon enough. You know what they say, when life hands you lemons grab the tequila. Fuck it, I'm taking a drink RIGHT NOW!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Voluntary Adaptation...

Ever notice that the more often you hang out with a person the more you're likely to pick up their mannerisms, expressions, or dorky sayings? Yeah, I find that happening to me lately. I've been trying to overcome this though. A lot of my day is spent at work, talking and laughing with my desk partner, Krista. She's an excellent person, supersmart, superfunny, and superentertaining, but she has this deal where after every topic we talk about, she ends with, "Are you kidding me?" I'm tempted to count how many times she says that particular phrase in a day, but I'm afraid it may reach the higher hundreds. I'm even more afraid of the fact that I've adopted the saying. Are you kidding me? No, I'm not.

Reminds me of another friend who had this annoying habit of blinking her eyes in sets of three. At first it was irritating, and then I caught myself doing it. So I had to consciously focus on my facial expressions so I wouldn't mirror hers. It was a lot harder to do when we would hang out at the bars and get sloshed, but she never said anything about it.

As if I don't have enough time already, I'm thinking about doing some volunteer work. I mentioned that today and have a friend and a coworker vying for my spare time. It's either be a big sister or join and help the Literacy program. I'm leaning more towards the Literacy program (I'm always ragging on people to read more), but being a big sister doesn't sound too bad. I'm not much for kids, but for some strange reason they like me. I'll definitely need more details.

And on an end note, I finally decorated my desk at work. Fun photos, a huge picture of Trent looking sexy and this as my desktop. Because the more amusement at work the better.

Special thanks to my pal, Rubes for the pic! WIN!

Take a hike....

A friend and I decided to start a hiking club. We figured why not? We are only an hour away from the mountains, two away from the coast. National Parks are our backyard. Doesn't matter that I was the only one in the club who isn't a member of her church - they all were respectful and delightful to be around and there was no uncomfortable expectations of becoming part of their church clan.

We decided to head up to Sequoia National Park and hike the Marble Falls trail. Marble Falls is named after the ribbon of marble ingrained throughout it. The trail is 7.8 miles roundtrip with an elevation of 2,000 feet. Going uphill not so fun, especially since it's been so hot, in the hundreds actually, but we were smart, started in the early a.m. The actual waterfall was worth all the heat, mosquito bites (I counted, I have 17 - and I wore insect repellent!), and the trudging uphill. I felt lucky enough I didn't have any ticks on me, three people in our group did. Plus it isn't everyday you see a rattlesnake and two poisonous king snakes.

Just sitting by the rushing water, I instantly felt at peace. It's not often I feel that way, so I savored every moment of it. Left the group, sat on a rock, and just let myself be. Was lost in thought for about an hour when my friend decided to find me to head back. Downhill was beautiful, a variety of butterflies and wildflowers everywhere. How can I not love where I am? How can I not be grateful to be alive?

Anyway, some pictures...

On the way, about ten minutes from our destination.

Only a partial view of the beautiful Marble Falls.

The view from where I was sitting.

On the way down.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whine with Wine...

I signed up for overtime tomorrow. Yeah, working a full eight hours on a Saturday. Usually I wouldn't bother, but not only do I have to save up for my Mexico trip in September (more on that later,) but I have oodles and oodles of work to do. It's strange how calm I am about it, I feel no stress about getting the job done. The best thing is, I don't have to deal with people face to face, just my coworkers, and I have no problems there. Oh geez, but I'm working Saturday, and then immediately heading off to Fresno to just hang out. I shouldn't complain, this isn't Office Space (I adore that movie). My boss is not dragging me in,mmkay? I signed up on my own. Sometimes it sucks having a responsible side.

So last night I hung out with my sister and her friends. Hey, I didn't tag along, I was invited, they love me. <3 I had the most sublime moment though. U2's The Joshua Tree was on in the background, I was drinking my Cabernet Sauvignon, and I felt content. It wasn't the wine, I hadn't drank enough of that yet. But I got to thinking of how lucky I am, how I've grown to be a better friend. Truly, I'm blessed. They say you can count your real friends on one hand, I don't agree with that. I'm extremely close to family - and I'm proud of myself for trying to strengthen the relationship with my brother, it's improved immensely. But I've no bad will to anyone, and this past week, I've received this affirmation of being a real friend by various friends. It's nice to be appreciated. And it's nicer to know that you have friends who you can be yourself with and talk about real issues to, those that care and that you care for too. Basically, what I'm trying to say, is I feel very connected with those close around me, and I'm honored.

Yes, I have so much to do with life and so much I want, but if for some reason or other it's cut short, I'm happy. I'm happy.

Up all night....

For the past month or so my dog, Jake, has really been hamming it up. He's constantly barking, whining, howling, or scratching on the screen door. I love my dog, but he's really pissing me off....And not just me, my neighbors too. My next door neighbor won't even look at me anymore, which I consider more of a gift on Jake's behalf, but still. And he has this nightly ritual of howling at 3 a.m. It's uncanny. If that isn't bad enough Jake has the saddest howl - it's this low, melancholy, straight from the deepest waters of the river Styx howl. Not only that, but my backyard isn't that roomy, and Jake's a big dog. There is no sign of plantlife anymore, Jake has killed it all. Anyway, he's driving me nuts. I've even been thinking about finding him another home. Until I see this......

And then I really want to break out in sobs. I need to be a better pet owner. I'm going to go spoil my dog now, and I won't even yell if he breaks the fence.

Like OMG!!!!

I am back on the internets! Don't know if that's much of a good thing or not, but I need some discipline in writing, thought this might be useful. I actually forgot I had this blog. But I'm giving myself a schedule of sorts, I will write in this damn thing at least three times a week. I figure if I can write daily in a journal, why not do some crappy internet blogging every so so?

And I really don't know where to pick up where I left off? In fact where did I leave off? Who knows? Who cares? Even I don't.

Took my dad to see Ironman. I'm not getting what was so fantastic about that movie. And I like comic book movies - but this one, not so much. Dad thought it was good fun, my seven year old nephew is a huge fan. The whole thing was annoying to me. Ironman wasn't likable. Gwyneth looked bored. Ironman flying halfway around the world in minutes without disintigrating or having his head implode from the pressure of speed. Whatever. There was something so trite and stereotypically American, I expected Ironman to start singing, "Proud to Be An American," pick up a Miller, Coors, or Bud Light, and blow up some more stuff. I even heard someone sniff at the end of the movie. Are you fucking kidding me? Entirely obvious to who this movie is aimed at.

And I am a real American, but I'm also real. *sigh*